Monday, March 19, 2007

How Do Computer Addictions Occur?

Being addicted to computer usage is a very common occurrence. Many people spend hours and hours browsing the internet without actually being productive. You may not realize that you are addicted to the computer until it is actually unavailable. When you spend 8 hours on a computer every day, you may tell yourself that it is just because there is nothing else to do. But when you are away from your computer for a long period of time, you may begin to feel the true signs of being addicted to it. A computer addiction can stem from many different things, so you should try to avoid it if it hasn’t already happened.

When you sit on the computer for long periods of time without doing anything else, you are training your brain and body to expect this. Being away from the computer for long periods of time will feel unnatural, and may even cause headaches or nausea. Your brain will also be conditioned to not find any other ways of keeping itself busy besides watching a computer screen while you do whatever it is you do. It is much more dangerous than it sounds, and can result in many health problems stemming from the sedimentary state.

Computer addiction can also occur from a computer game that is particularly addictive. These require hours and hours to be poured into them from the player, and can cause major addictions. People feel that they need to constantly play their online game in order to raise the statistics of their character, or beat all of the quests currently available. This is not only very unhealthy, but it is also unproductive. If you are going to be addicted to the computer, you might as well spend your time doing something that will improve you!

The computer addiction could also come from work that requires you to be on a computer for long periods of time. You may not enjoy the time you spend on the computer, but it definitely becomes a part of your daily life, and may start to feel more and more natural. Your computer habits may leave the workplace and head home, where you will start to spend more time in the computer. Getting addicted to the computer is a slippery slope that can be caused by many factors.

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