Monday, March 19, 2007

Computer Game Addiction: Socially, Physically, and Mentally Unhealthy

Ever since computer games were first widely popular, there have been some people that take it a little too far. This is particularly apparent in online games. People are driven by the desire to get higher statistics, make it to the next combat level, or gain more reputation with the rest of the players. It is an epidemic that has been around for a while, and doesn’t seem to have an easy solution. If you struggle with computer game addiction, there are several ways that you can beat it. By logging off of the game, you can get back to your social life, and get back in shape both mentally and physically.

Breaking the bond between your mind and the game may seem like a hard thing to do at first, but you need to put it in to perspective. By devoting your time to the game, you are ignoring the more important things in life. You could be going out and enjoying yourself like you should be, but instead you are sitting at home and trying to get more virtual money or virtual statistics. This is the best way to convince yourself to quit. By putting it into perspective, you see that you are sacrificing time with friends in order to change a few pieces of data on a hard drive at the servers of the game headquarters.

You can also try the cold turkey approach, in which you will completely stop playing the game. That’s it. You can delete your account, break the game disk, or even sell your computer. Any of these things will cause you to no longer be able to play the game. They are drastic measures to take, but you will feel liberated once you no longer feel the need to spend your time on it. By stopping completely and erasing the work that you have done so far in the game, you will show that you are truly free from the game and that you no longer feel any importance in your character’s statistics.

Ultimately, beating an online game addiction is just about how much you want to do it. If you want to quit the game then there will be nothing stopping you. But if you are content to beat around the bush and talk about how much you want to beat the game and then never do anything, you will do exactly that.

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